Hey… I’m Cam

And one of my missions in life is to become a badass.

A few years ago, I was what most people would call ‘a loser’. I was lazy, had zero direction in life, and most of my free time was taken up by online video games.

But, after an overly dramatic breakup, I realised that I was leaving a lot on the table. I wasn’t happy with who I was or the life I was leading - I wanted more.

Not really knowing where to start, I turned to books and YouTube videos. Through these, I began to study the people I admired - elite athletes, Hollywood actors, philosophers, businessmen, and so on.

At the time, I didn’t totally realise what I was doing. I just knew that these people inspired me and I wanted to be more like them. Of course, now I know that I was searching for clues to follow - methods or a blueprint to transform myself into a badass like them.

Ultimately, this pursuit of badassery became an obsession, and I’ve since dedicated years of my life to figuring out the secrets.

It’s been one hell of a ride. I’ve competed in martial arts tournaments and ultra endurance events, lifted heavy-ass weights, performed improv, launched websites, and researched topic after topic, and just generally done a whole bunch of stuff that would have terrified me a few years ago.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not over yet. I’ve got a long way to go - and I’m glad because it’s been a ton of fun.

With that in mind, Learn to be Badass is my way of giving back and sharing everything I’ve learned (and everything I continue to learn).

So, if you’ve ever wanted to become a little more badass… what do you say?