The Undeniable Truth About Building Confidence

Man answers phone with confidence

We all want to be confident, right?

We see the guys in the movies walking and talking like they own the world, we see the results that come with it, and we can’t help but want some of that for ourselves.

Unfortunately, people also tend to want a shortcut or lifehack that’s going to get them there.

It’s not something to be ashamed of. After all, it’s how humans have been wired for thousands of years. It’s always been in our best interest to get what we want while spending as little energy as possible. 

But while it isn’t something to be ashamed of, it is something that you need to be aware of and work to overcome.

And this is because there is no shortcut to building confidence. Whether you’re looking to build it in social situations or out on the football pitch, building genuine confidence takes time and effort.

The good news is, it isn’t as complicated as the books and articles would have you believe.

So, let’s dive into what you actually need to do to build genuine confidence.

What is Confidence, Actually?

Simple. Confidence is self-trust. That’s it.

To be confident in any given situation is to trust yourself to handle the situation.

Once you genuinely trust yourself to handle it, insecurities and anxieties fade away.

But that leads us to our next question…

Where Does Self-Trust Come From?

Another question, another simple answer.

Self-trust comes from experience over time.

It comes from seeing first-hand that you can consistently handle the situation again and again.

It comes from seeing that no matter how many times you’re put in the situation that you fear, you’ll ultimately be okay.

So, What Does This All Mean?

Well, it means you can forget about all the affirmations, mantras, and psychological tricks.

While they might help temporarily, the more important answer you’ve been seeking is to gradually increase exposure to the situations that you want to be confident in.

Don’t get me wrong - you don’t have to throw yourself in the deep end. Start by dipping your toes in and gradually increase how much you tackle over time.

But the important thing is that you keep doing the thing again and again.

Show yourself that you can handle it and you’ll be okay. Show yourself that you can be trusted.

So, with that in mind… get to work. What are you going to build confidence in?


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