The Real Reasons You Need to Be Exercising (Not What You Think)

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Over the last decade, there’s been a massive movement towards getting in shape. Everywhere I look, there’s fitness models, personal trainers, and the latest trend that promises to finally shave off those love handles.

Unfortunately, despite the growing pressure, not everybody’s convinced. And that’s a damn shame, because the reality is that there are plenty of other super important benefits of exercise. In fact, it’s one of the best tools we have for not only improving our health, but taking care of our mental wellbeing, building confidence, and becoming a certified badass.

So, why are people resisting?

Well, I think it’s largely got to do with the reasons people are being given.

By far, the number 1 reason the fitness industry tells us to work out is to look good. It’s all about washboard abs and muscles on top of muscles.

And don’t get me wrong, looking good is awesome but it’s only one part of the equation. There are a host of other benefits to working out, and if I’m being honest - many of them are way more useful than looking like a Greek God.

Let’s go through them.

Exercise - The Wonder Drug

First on the list is probably the most important one - exercise has a wide range of incredible health benefits. And I’m not exaggerating by calling it a wonder drug, because the effects are much larger than you’d expect.

You don’t really need to know the science so I won’t bore you with it (it’s also all over Google, from sources more reputable than myself). 

Let’s jump straight in and look at the direct effects. Consistent benefits of exercise include:

  • Boost your mood / make you happier

  • Lower stress

  • Increase cognitive abilities (yep… it makes you smarter)

  • Help to prevent cognitive decline as you age

  • Improve overall health (people who exercise regularly see a significant drop in all-cause mortality; that is, the odds of dying by any cause, from heart disease to a bear attack)

No wonder so many people end up addicted to the gym. It’s literally making them happier, healthier, and smarter. And that’s not even mentioning the confidence…

A Well-Earned Confidence Boost

The main reason that the fitness industry tells us to exercise is that we’ll look better. And that’s certainly true. After all, if we look better, we’ll be more attractive and people will treat us better.

But the more important factor isn’t how we look or how we’re treated. It’s how we’ll feel.

You see, after you’ve spent months busting your ass in the gym, and people start to take notice, something else happens.

And that’s the post-gym confidence boost. After all, why wouldn’t we feel more confident when we like what we see in the mirror each day and we’re getting more attention from beautiful women?

But the real magic here is often overlooked. It’s the feedback loop that continues to build your confidence in the background afterwards.

Picture something like this:

  1. You get in shape

  2. People notice and treat you better (compliments, checking you out, etc.)

  3. You start to feel more confident

  4. You act with more confidence as a result

  5. People react to your confidence and treat you better

  6. You start to feel even more confident

  7. You act with more confidence as a result

Notice how the steps start to repeat? It’s the confidence feedback loop and it can lead to huge overall improvements in how you view yourself. All you need is a little boost, and exercise is the key to getting the ball rolling.

Sheer Badassery - Being More Capable

Finally, being in shape is just straight-up more badass.

Afterall, the most important ingredient in becoming a badass is being capable. And physical fitness IS to be physically capable.

It means you’re strong, fast, and agile. It means you can get yourself out of a burning building, before going back in for someone else. It means you’re more prepared for physical confrontation if and when you need to be. It means you know how to handle yourself. And that’s what being a badass is all about.

With that idea in mind, it’s really no wonder so many of the people we label as badasses are in incredible physical shape.

In any case, I hope this has convinced you to put those runners on and get to work.

For anyone who needs some guidance, I recommend a combination of resistance exercise (think weightlifting or pushups) and cardio (running, biking, etc.).

A few sessions per week for each should get you experiencing all the benefits listed above, and that’s pretty badass.


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